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New posts in swipe

Jquery Tools Touch horizontal only disable vertical touch

Delete item on swipe with rounded corners background

GWT Swipe between Pages / Panels

gwt panel swipe

android: How to disable scrolling on the viewpager [duplicate]

Javascript library, or jquery plugin to create swipe-based carousel in mobile safari / ipad

Why does UITableView's swipe delete sometimes work fine & sometimes not?

iphone ios uitableview swipe

Android swipe left and right in RelativeLayout

Implement Swipe in ListView

android drag-and-drop swipe

idangerous swiper link not working when slide is not on original position

jquery html swipe swiper

Disable swipe for open drawer but NOT for closing

How to swipe on recyclerview in android without dismissing

Android - Trouble with swipe gesture

android gesture swipe onfling

Detecting swipe gesture iOS - Cordova/Phonegap Javascript

javascript ios cordova swipe

iPhone: setting required length of swipe gesture

Swift - UISwipeGestureRecognizer Within UIScrollView

Want smooth transition or slide between pictures in an NSArray using UISwipeGesture

How to perform swipe using appium in Java for android native app

Adding a simple left/right swipe gesture

javascript vue.js swipe

Android view pager: how to distinguish user and programmatic swipes?

Recognize diagonal gestures(swipe) using Hammer.js

swipe hammer.js