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How can I get the file creation date using URL resourceValues method in Swift 3?

NSFetchRequest Core Data Swift 3 Backward compatibility

How to use an image logo on the navigation bar instead of title

Why Dispatch Group Notify get's called twice?

Loading a previously saved audio file as base64 string

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List of dates for given day of the week Swift

ios swift3

Format date string as per device locale settings

ios swift3 localization nsdate

GCRectMake error in Swift 3 with specific code [duplicate]

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Status Bar Style - Swift 3 - change at any time

ios swift3 statusbar

collectionview scrollToItemAtIndexPath crashes app

How to hide status bar after calling UIImagePickerController?

Swift - Update/Refresh Label that Displays Time

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HTTP Request in Swift with POST method in swift3

Swift Photo Library Access

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Can not find Swift Protocol declaration in Obj-C class

NSCollectionView, Swift 4 - Cannot invoke "register"

dateFromString() returning wrong date swift 3.0

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How to append Int to the new Data struct (Swift 3)

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Swift3 Use of unresolved identifier 'Date'


How do I manually retain in Swift with ARC?