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New posts in swift-playground

How to compile storyboard in playground

Swift playground: get ViewController to call presentViewController

Is it possible to load a storyboard in an iOS Playground?

ios swift swift-playground

Animations not working in ios playground

How do I use NSURL in Swift in Xcode 6.1?

Simple Swift Array Extension

Do instance references really work in Swift?

How do I remove a CAShapeLayer and CABasicAnimation from my UIView?

How to use GLKit within the Xcode OS X Swift Playground?

Flickering UIView in Simulator running from a Playground

Importing 3rd party framework in a Playground's "SupportCode.swift"

Xcode: Mac freezes while compiling

Swift 4 Programming Language, inout parameter is not working for FunctionType as Paramter

How to get user interaction events in playground with Swift

What is the correct way to include Playgrounds in a Swift Package?

Trouble Using Swift NSDate "timeIntervalSinceNow" [duplicate]

swift swift-playground

Swift Playground - How to use "thread return -x"

swift swift-playground