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New posts in svm

Can I explicitly set the list of possible classes for an sklearn SVM?

Kernlab kraziness: inconsistent results for identical problems

r machine-learning svm kernlab

what is the "random" or non-deterministic factor inside SVM prediction by probabilities in e1071 in R?

r svm probability

An SVM implementation supporting non-linear kernels and multi-label on a one-vs.-rest

How to do feature selection using linear SVM weights [closed]

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LabelBinarizer yields different result in multiclass example

results on libsvm favors only one class from two classes


OneVsRestClassification with GridSearchCV in Sklearn

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how to implement a general image classifier using SIFT and SVM

image classification svm sift

How to do POS tagging using SVM in Python?

Different ways of implementing cross-validation for SVM model in MATLAB

Passing Target/Label data to Scikit-learn GridSearchCV's fit method for OneClassSVM

LibSVM turns all my training vectors into support vectors, why?

Accuracy of LibSVM decreases

matlab svm libsvm

Adding an affine term to linear SVM / logistic regression objective function

"Error in table(pred = prediction, true = W[, 8]) : all arguments must have the same length"

How can I tell if R is still estimating my SVM model or has crashed?

r svm

Under what parameters are SVC and LinearSVC in scikit-learn equivalent?

How to generate a custom cross-validation generator in scikit-learn?

SVM classifier based on HOG features for "object detection" in OpenCV