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New posts in svg-filters

SVG Text with Shadow in Internet Explorer

Parameterizing and reusing custom SVG filters defined in HTML5?

css html svg svg-filters

SVG gaussian blur in Safari unexpectedly lightens image

SVG filter with variable?

html css svg svg-filters

SVG Filter Transition in Firefox

Div disappears after applying SVG Gaussian blur

html css firefox svg svg-filters

Is it possible to apply a transform matrix to a SVG filter effect

svg dropshadow svg-filters

SVG Filters in Firefox

svg feComponentTransfer linear function

svg svg-filters

SVG feOffset filter enlarge/scale

SVG images not rendering in Safari

html css svg safari svg-filters

How to apply feTurbulence filter to shape - e.g. Circle in SVG

svg svg-filters

Using SVG filter to create an inside stroke

svg stroke svg-filters

SVG blur filter edge artifacts

svg svg-filters

Safari renders wrong colors when using blur filter

hand drawing (crayon) style for SVG path?

css svg svg-filters

SVG feColorMatrix doesn't work in safari

svg svg-filters colormatrix

Replace one color using SVG filters

canvas svg svg-filters

SVG: adding shadow filter makes straight line invisible [duplicate]