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New posts in super

If interfaces do not have constructors, then is Object class super class of an interface?

java class interface super

Jest unit-testing if super() is called

Why does __new__ method need passing cls argument when called its parent's __new__ across super method?

python super

inheritance in python 2.7.x

python inheritance super

Passing construction to super class

java Can i create a string that is defined as null in one line?

java string constructor super

How the key word super works in java-Java Puzzle

java inheritance private super

Question related to super() with __init__()

python super

Stub super method in controller

rspec super stub

How to initialize subclass parameters in python using super()

python inheritance super

How to run a function before calling super in java?

java inheritance super

Java - using the 'super' keyword

java keyword super extends

Detail about the "super" wildcard in java generics

java generics super

Python Inherit from one class but override method calling another class?

python oop inheritance super

Is the current Ruby method called via super?

Java - how to call different super() according to inheriting class's constructor argument?

java inheritance super

Constructors using super AND instance variables

java oop constructor super

clarification/when/where to use super in django/python

python django forms models super

Don't I have to call super() in constructor when class extends Sprite in actionscript3?

single argument super() - what's it for? [duplicate]

python oop python-3.x super