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single argument super() - what's it for? [duplicate]

I wonder when to use what flavour of Python 3 super().

Help on class super in module builtins:

class super(object)
 |  super() -> same as super(__class__, <first argument>)
 |  super(type) -> unbound super object
 |  super(type, obj) -> bound super object; requires isinstance(obj, type)
 |  super(type, type2) -> bound super object; requires issubclass(type2, type)

Until now I've used super() only without arguments and it worked as expected (by a Java developer).


  • What does "bound" mean in this context?
  • What is the difference between bound and unbound super object?
  • When to use super(type, obj) and when super(type, type2)?
  • Would it be better to name the super class like in Mother.__init__(...)?
like image 996
deamon Avatar asked May 05 '10 09:05


People also ask

What does super () return?

An Overview of Python's super() Function super() alone returns a temporary object of the superclass that then allows you to call that superclass's methods.

What does super () __ init __ do?

Understanding Python super() with __init__() methods When this method is called it allows the class to initialize the attributes of the class. In an inherited subclass, a parent class can be referred with the use of the super() function.

What does super () do in Python?

The super() function is used to give access to methods and properties of a parent or sibling class. The super() function returns an object that represents the parent class.

What is __ new __ in Python?

__new__ is static class method, while __init__ is instance method. __new__ has to create the instance first, so __init__ can initialize it. Note that __init__ takes self as parameter. Until you create instance there is no self . Now, I gather, that you're trying to implement singleton pattern in Python.

2 Answers

A quick note, the new usage of super is outlined in PEP3135 New Super which was implemented in python 3.0. Of particular relevance;

super().foo(1, 2)

to replace the old:

super(Foo, self).foo(1, 2)
like image 42
danodonovan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10


Let's use the following classes for demonstration:

class A(object):
    def m(self):

class B(A): pass

Unbound super object doesn't dispatch attribute access to class, you have to use descriptor protocol:

>>> super(B).m
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'm'
>>> super(B).__get__(B(), B)
<super: <class 'B'>, <B object>>

super object bound to instance gives bound methods:

>>> super(B, B()).m
<bound method B.m of <__main__.B object at 0xb765dacc>>
>>> super(B, B()).m()

super object bound to class gives function (unbound methods in terms of Python 2):

>>> super(B, B).m
<function m at 0xb761482c>
>>> super(B, B).m()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: m() takes exactly 1 positional argument (0 given)
>>> super(B, B).m(B())

See Michele Simionato's "Things to Know About Python Super" blog posts series (1, 2, 3) for more information

like image 148
Denis Otkidach Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10

Denis Otkidach