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New posts in substrate

Use custom types (Substrate FRAME pallet + Polkadot/Substrate frontend)

How do I update my token's name in Substrate?

What is the cost of event storage in substrate?

substrate parity-io

How to solve Substrate `duplicate lang item in crate 'std' (which 'myexternalcrate' depends on): 'panic_impl' conflict with sr-io


How to get the roothash or a proof from a child trie in substrate?

Substrate genesis blocks not matching


In Substrate, what's the difference between `spec_version` and `authoring_version`?

substrate parity-io

How to print out tracing message in Substrate runtime development


What order is `on_initialize` invoked across different modules in a Substrate runtime?

rust blockchain substrate

How to correctly upgrade a runtime on Substrate node?


Unable to specify `edition2021` in order to use unstable packages in Rust

rust substrate polkadot

In Substrate is there a way to use storage and functions from one custom module in another?


How do you convert between Substrate specific types and Rust primitive types?

rust blockchain substrate

In Substrate, What is the difference between Babe, Aura, and Grandpa

When should I build a Substrate Runtime Module versus a Substrate Smart Contract?