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New posts in strong-parameters

Strong parameters permit Array of Arrays

accept multiple models with a form

Strong Params: params.permit returns Unpermitted parameters despite whitelist

undefined method `permit' for "Submit Now! ":String. Where am I going wrong?

Rails 4 Multiple Nested Forms and Strong Parameters

rails 4 with link_to and method post with strong parameters

Create and update with nested models using strong parameters Rails

Allowing only certain values though a strong parameter in Rails 4

JSONAPI strong params with Rails and Ember

rails 4 strong params: make them conditional?

How can i set the default values of controller parameters?

Custom user fields in Devise 3 under Rails 4

Rails 4 & Devise - User's name is not added to database when new user created

File upload with Rails 4, Strong Parameters and Carrierwave

How to permit Rack::Test::UploadedFile with strong parameters?

How to find the attribute when receiving an ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError

How to use strong_params to require a nested parameter

Should we use strong params when we update only one attribute?