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New posts in street-address

Adding google maps markers by an address instead of coordinates?

localising postal / physical address display from database fields

How many address fields would you use for a UK database?

I need an address matching algorithm

regex street-address

Building a Contact Database - Need a little schema inspiration

How can I extract address from raw text using NLTK in python?

find duplicate addresses in database, stop users entering them early?

Open maps with specific address iOS 7

Validation for Irish Eircode

Place Markers from Name, Address and Post Code

2019, Chrome 76, approach to autocomplete off

Where is a good Address Parser [closed]

What is the most semantic way to display a street address in HTML?

What is the "best" way to store international addresses in a database?

get city from geocoder results?

mysql datatype for telephone number and address

Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation

Is it a good idea to use an integer column for storing US ZIP codes in a database?

Using Address Instead Of Longitude And Latitude With Google Maps API

How should international geographical addresses be stored in a relational database?