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New posts in streambuf

Custom input stream. Stream buffer and underflow method

c++ io stream streambuf

Deriving from streambuf without rewriting a corresponding stream

streams, stream_bufs, codecvt facets and \n to \r\n translation

c++ iostream streambuf codecvt

streambuf get streampos

c++ stl stream streambuf

Using std::endl on an ostream makes my file binary

Code using boost::asio::streambuf causes segfault

c++ boost boost-asio streambuf

How do I implement seekg() for a custom istream/streambuf?

c++ xml istream streambuf seekg

Is it possible to change ostringstream rdbuf?

c++ streambuf ostringstream

What can go wrong if cout.rdbuf() is used to switch buffer and never set it back?

redirect std::cout to a custom writer

Use multiple ofstreams to write to a single output file in c++

c++ ofstream streambuf

Threadsafe logging

c++ logging streambuf

istream::tellg() returns -1 when used with my custom streambuf class?

c++ istream streambuf

boost streambuf consume and commit, what is it


How to implement custom std::streambuf's seekoff()?

c++ istream seek streambuf

inheriting ostream and streambuf problem with xsputn and overflow

c++ iostream ostream streambuf

basic_streambuf::seekoff what should be returned when ios_base::in | ios_base::out is specified?

c++ iostream streambuf

Binary version of iostream

c++ binary iostream streambuf

Reading from serial port with Boost Asio

boost::asio read n bytes from socket to streambuf