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New posts in state-management

How to persist state between tabs (TabBar) in Flutter?

flutter state-management

How to use a riverpod family provider without passing parameter

Persist Provider data across multiple pages not working

React hooks: are they useful for shared state management, like e.g. Redux?

Multi bloc builder

TabView does not preserve state when swiping from one tab to another

Dispatch is not a function useContext/useReducer React hooks

Is it bad to commit mutations without using actions in Vuex?

How to Refresh the UI in ListView.Builder using flutter GetX when data is changed?

How to keep data through postbacks?

Preserve widget state when temporarily removed from tree in Flutter

ASP.NET MVC - Is there a way to simulate a ViewState?

Best practice regarding StateManager in Ember.js

Python with statement in C++

How much of this business logic belongs in Vuex?

Correct way of Creating multiple stores with mobx and injecting it into to a Component - ReactJs

How to use patchState vs setState in NGXS?

How to use data from Provider during initState in Flutter application

ChangeNotifierProvider vs ChangeNotifierProvider.value

What is state management in angular? and why should I use it?