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New posts in flutter-bloc

Nesting BlocBuilders to Manage Multiple States on the same Widget

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Do I need to dispose cubit instances?

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Global dependency on flutter_bloc

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How to change state of individual list items using bloc flutter?

flutter bloc flutter-bloc

Provider .read() vs .watch()

Flutter: How do I pop dialog as well as current page?

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How to validate form when submit in flutter with flutter_bloc?

flutter bloc flutter-bloc

How to correctly use BlocListener and BlocProvider in Flutter App

The superclass 'Bloc<xxx, xxx>' doesn't have a zero argument constructor in dart

Bloc initial state is not emitted anymore

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Flutter Bloc does not change TextFormField initialValue

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flutter_bloc : Make initialState method async

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TabView does not preserve state when swiping from one tab to another

using Equatable class with flutter_bloc

BlocBuilder not updating after cubit emit

flutter bloc flutter-bloc

Can anyone tell the difference of "flutter_bloc" and "bloc" packages in Flutter

Flutter listen Bloc state from Other Bloc

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Triggering initial event in BLoC

flutter dart bloc flutter-bloc

BlocProvider.of() called with a context that does not contain a Bloc - even that it does

Flutter error: Each child must be laid out exactly once. On building layout