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Provider .read() vs .watch()

I just updated my flutter_bloc library to 6.1.1 in which states:

bloc' is deprecated and shouldn't be used. Use context.read or context.watch instead. Will be removed in v7.0.0. Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.

Here is a part of code that I did have to change:

class ContractSubscriptionForm extends StatelessWidget {
  final ContractSubscription contractSubscription;
  const ContractSubscriptionForm(this.contractSubscription, {Key key})
      : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocProvider(
      create: (context) => ContractSubscriptionFormBloc(
        context.read<CoursesGroupBloc>().state.coursesGroupList,  // <---change to .read()
      child: SubscriptionFormBody(),

The part I did change is this: context.bloc<CoursesGroupBloc>().state.coursesGroupList, to context.read<CoursesGroupBloc>().state.coursesGroupList, and is now working.

In the documentation for the .read() function I read the following:

This method is the opposite of [watch]. It will not make widget rebuild when the value changes and cannot be called inside [StatelessWidget.build]/[State.build]. On the other hand, it can be freely called outside of these methods.

For some reason, this makes no sense, since the upper code is within a build of a StatelessWidget and is working with the .read() function but not with the .watch().

Am I missing something?

like image 604
Georgios Avatar asked Nov 13 '20 11:11


People also ask

What is context watch?

context.watch<T>() listens to changes on T. context.read<T>() returns T without listening to it. You were calling. context.

What is context read?

Contexts of reading are all the elements that influence how we read in different situations. The context includes: 1) the setting, 2) the text, and 3) the purpose for reading.

When should I use provider in Flutter?

One of the main reasons to prefer Provider over Statefulwidget s is that, using Provider , you will rebuild only the widgets that needs that value (the Consumers ) while the other will not be rebuilt. Instead when you call setState the whole build function of the widget will be called.

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Three major components make all of this possible: the ChangeNotifier class in Flutter, the ChangeNotifierProvider (primarily used in our sample app), and the Consumer widgets.

1 Answers

you didn't call context.read inside the StatelessWidget's build, you did that inside BlocProvider during creating ContractSubscriptionFormBloc. if you try to do the following:

class example extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    //the rest of your code

this error will appear: Tried to use context.read<bloc> inside either a build method or the update callback of a provider

like image 126
phoenix Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10
