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New posts in state-machine

Any recommendation for rails workflow implementations?

Dynamic State Machine in Ruby? Do State Machines Have to be Classes?

REST - model state transitions

Implementing a finite state machine with a single coroutine

coroutine fsm state-machine

Split state machine in several classes using Stateless library

How to get a working state machine in F# using functions for representing states?

How to capture the entire string while using 'lookaround' with chars in regex?

Is it a state machine when it works with memory?

theory state-machine

Using FST libraries in python

Implementing Hierarchical State Machines in C

c state-machine hsm

Boost MSM only processing internal transitions

Visual state chart editor

xml state-machine scxml

How to merge two finite state automata?

Coroutines in php?

State machine represented on DB, enforcement of state transition

postgresql state-machine

stateMachine vs Activity

uml state-machine

Is there a Java equivalent to libevent?

Create a timeout in an SCXML state machine

state-machine scxml

State machine pushing events to its own event queue

Validation before persistance on state_machine gem