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Find a string by searching all stored procs in SQL Server Management Studio 2008

sql-server ssms

Add unique constraint in SQL Server 2008 GUI?

Cannot connect to (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB -> Login failed for user 'User-PC\User'

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Why is "close existing connections to destination database" grayed out on SQL Server 2012 Management Studio?

How can I resolve the "Table 'dbo.Foo' already exists." error when the table does not exist?

sql-server ssms

How can I check if an SQL result contains a newline character?

sql sql-server ssms

How to connect to a local database in SQL Server Management Studio?

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How to generate scripts to recreate table using SQL Server Management Studio [Schema and data]?

Does the Poor Mans T-SQL formatting add-in for Management Studio 2012 work in Management Studio 2014?

SQL Management Studio won't recognize a table exists after scripted create

sql sql-server ssms

Client Statistics table (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio)

SSMS version 18 – no Database Diagrams

sql-server ssms ssms-18

Error Invalid prefix or suffix characters in SQL Server Management Studio

Convert SSMS .rpt output file to .txt/.csv

SSMS Results to Grid - CRLF not preserved in copy/paste - any better techniques?

sql-server formatting ssms

Ctrl R not working in SQL Server 2012

sql-server-2012 ssms

What is the T-SQL syntax to connect to another SQL Server?

How get the T-SQL code to find duplicates?

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Changing the CommandTimeout in SQL Management studio

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Auto-increment primary key in SQL tables

sql-server-2008 ssms