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New posts in srand

What is the best practice when writing Perl tests that involve randomness?

perl testing random srand

random numbers and multiple srand calls

c random srand

Not able to use srand48() after changing to c++ 11

c++11 g++ cygwin srand

std::random_shuffle produce the same result even though srand(time(0)) called once

c++ random vector srand

Issues with seeding a pseudo-random number generator more than once?

c++ random seed prng srand

What is the equivalent of seeded random in Swift3 (Xcode8 beta 1)

random srand swift3

rand() %4000000000UL giving only small values

c++ random srand

How to get nth number in sequence of rand() directly without having to call rand() n times?

c++ objective-c c random srand

Find out what a random number generator was seeded with in C++

c++ random unmanaged srand

What is the best way to seed srand()? [duplicate]

c random srand

What is the most correct way to generate random numbers in C with pthread

srand() scope in C++

c++ random srand

random_shuffle not really random

c++ random srand

How can I store the state of the pseudo-random generator in Perl?

perl srand random-seed

Implicit declaration of functions srand, rand and system

c linux random system srand

Butterfly pattern appears in random walk using srand(), why?

How often should I call srand() in a C++ application?

c++ random srand

Random numbers in C

c random srand

Is it modern C++ to use srand to set random seed?

c++ random c++11 srand

Rand() % 14 only generates the values 6 or 13

c++ random srand