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New posts in sql-server-2008

Indexed Views with SCHEMABINDING


SQL Server master database

How to use calculated field in another field of the same query

SQL Server - converting 13 digit numeric to datetime


Convert .sdf database to .mdf database

Retrieving PL/SQL procedure schema

How can we view the encrypted stored procedure's body in SSMS?

Get duration of executing script in SQl Server 2008 R2

How to convert date and time in SQL Server

Query to get 5 million records from Adventure works

How can I attach a database?

Sending Email through SQL Server FAILED

Summing historic cost rates over booked time (single effective date)

How to find root-nodes


Script to migrate data between two SQL Server databases

Inverted select TOP *

T-SQL - Must have term in group by or aggregate function to select

SQL: Split events into multiple rows

SQL Server 2008 MAX and MIN function not working as expected with negative numbers

Equivalent of GETDATE() BETWEEN Two DateTime Fields where Both can be NULL