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New posts in sql-server-2008-r2

Construct DateTime using today's date at a specific time

Slow "Select" Query with varchar(max)

ResolveEventArgs.RequestingAssembly is null when AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve is called

SQL Management Studio 2008 R2 "wrongly" reconnects after connection loss

SQL Server Management Studio - Server Names Disappeared

how to generate insert data script from #temp tables?

Creating permutation via recursive CTE in SQL server?

SQL Server 2008 transactional replication 'Missing end comment mark '*/''

Splitting dates into intervals using Start Date and End Date

Allow access to Sql Server from generic account originating from specific machines

Generate Hierarchy value automatically

Stored Procedure works in DB but not in C# code

c# sql sql-server-2008-r2

Stop SQL Server Management Studio from adding ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER

TSQL: FOR XML PATH('') Failing To Group

Shrinking a SQL Server database not working

Normalize unicode string in SQL Server?

SP_WHO2 conditional?

How to determine which SSAS Cube is processing now?

Entity Framework Code First Base Class Not Mapped To DB