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New posts in for-xml-path

How to add an attribute to element-centric FOR XML PATH query

SQL Server : nesting elements with FOR XML PATH

How to avoid namespace in child nodes using FOR XML PATH?

What is the equivalent of XML PATH and Stuff in Linq lambda expression (GROUP_CONCAT/STRING_AGG)?

How to prevent sqlcmd truncation with for xml path query result

How FOR XML PATH('') works when concatenating rows

SQL Server: how to remove last comma after combining rows using XML Path

sql sql-server for-xml-path

TSQL: FOR XML PATH('') Failing To Group

How to use FOR XML PATH('') in a query without escaping special characters?

Replace “&lt;” and “&gt;” with “<” and “>” in sql server

FOR XML PATH(''): Escaping "special" characters

SQL Server : FOR XML PATH - nesting / grouping

sql-server for-xml-path

How do I avoid character encoding when using "FOR XML PATH"?

How Stuff and 'For Xml Path' work in SQL Server?