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New posts in sql-server-2005

SQL conundrum, how to select latest date for part, but only 1 row per part (unique)

Compare when value could be both NULL or text

SQL Server 2005 Cascading Delete

sql server 2005 - exporting nvarchar(max) data

What's the best way to select data only appearing in one of two tables?

Finding a DLL SQL Assembly with only the Database in SQL Server

SMO.Restore.SqlRestore sometimes throws a timeout exception on deployed computers

How to use a table variable in an "update from select" query?

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array [duplicate]

SQL Server 2005 Table Spool (Lazy spool) - performance

sql sql-server-2005

How to write a stored procedure which contains multiple parameters for in query?

Why is insert trigger called when there is no data to insert?

Is it possible to find out who called a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005

SQL - Restrict the number of rows returned based on a count of rows

Common Table Expression With Insert and Delete

Calculate financial year start and end date based on year entered SQL Server and SSRS

Commiting only Specific Changes made inside a TRANSACTION which may ROLLBACK

SQL 2005 Reporting Services if check for null

Send email for each row in a result set

To Find the registry of SQL Server 2005 Management Studio