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New posts in table-variable

Can queries that read table variables generate parallel exection plans in SQL Server 2008?

How to save a queried CTE output into a temporary table or table variable

Is using Table variables faster than temp tables

Scope of table variable within SQL cursor

CTE,Temp table and table variable

Poor performance of SQL query with Table Variable or User Defined Type

Dapper: inserting rows into table variables

How to use a table variable in an "update from select" query?

RODBC command 'sqlQuery' has problems with table variables in t-SQL

r tsql rodbc table-variable

Get definitive names for columns from table variable

Table variables inside while loop not initializing everytime : SQL Server

Structured types must have at least one field c#

T-SQL Table variable with case sensitive columns - collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

Query SQL Server with IN (NULL) not working

Inserting multiple rows into a SQL Server table using a table variable

Why are temporary tables faster than table variables for joins?

How do I declare two table variables with identical structures?

sql-server table-variable

Table variable poor performance on insert in SQL Server Stored Procedure

table variables created and held in memory or in tempdb?

Using a table variable inside of a exists statement