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New posts in sql-server-2000

11 seconds to delete 240 rows in SQL Server

SQL Server Enterprise Manager - Mass Delete of Tables and Changing Ownership of Tables

SQL Server : time-series data performance

Encrypt a column in SQL 2000 via code or SQL script

Execute stored procedure from a Trigger after a time delay

How can I query 'between' numeric data on a not numeric field?

Why can't I get the @@rowcount value?

Get the last 24 hour job record form msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory

What causes SQL Server to return the message 'The statement has been terminated'?

php sql sql-server-2000

Select a nullable bit with a default value

sql tsql sql-server-2000 bit

sql server getting first value when grouping

sql-server-2000 grouping

Prevent a Stored Procedure from being executed twice at the same time

TSQL to know database role members

SQL : Test if a column has the "Not Null" property

Alter column's default value

sql sql-server-2000 default

Date object last modified

Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed

Big parameter list for SQL query

How to get columns Primary key constraints using SqlConnection.GetSchema()

How to insert JPEG into a SQL Server 2000 database field of image type using Transact SQL