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New posts in sql-date-functions

Filter data based on date in sql

How to get current month firstdate and lastdate in postgres sql query

SQL Select Records based on current date minus two days

How to parse String to java.sql.date

last friday of a given month in sql server

Curdate() Vs current_date MySql

mysql sql-date-functions

Convert date to day of year in Postgres

Why do two MySQL dates in 1582 appear to be the same but comparison result is false?

Converting java.sql.Date & java.util.Date to org.joda.time.LocalDate

Mysql DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) 24 hours or weekday?

First day of the next month

Is there a function that takes a year, month and day to create a date in PostgreSQL?

How can I use SQL's YEAR(), MONTH() and DAY() in Doctrine2?

How to get difference of days/months/years (datediff) between two dates?