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New posts in sprockets

Sinatra app with sprockets not working on Heroku

Rails Engines: shared asset dependencies

Rails 3.2 and yui compressor

rails 3.1 asset pipeline: ignore assets from a gem

Rails sprocket Error compiling CSS assest - CHOWN issue

Sprockets::FileNotFound - couldn't find file 'jquery.ui'

How to include javascript in middleman 4?

Full Asset URL in a Rails .js.erb file

Requiring a sprockets-preprocessed file with Browserify and browserify-rails

Rails, sprockets, google closure and advanced opts

relative paths for accessing rails assets

Combining assets into a single file in Rails 4 development environment

Rails asset pipeline and digest values

How to use asset_url helper in Rake task

application.css.scss not compiled on Rails 4

Rails 4 asset pipeline losing vendor assets

Disable Sprockets asset caching in development on Rails 4

How to reference files in a JQuery plugin in Rails 3.1 using the Sprockets architecture?

ruby-on-rails sprockets

Using Sprockets as a standalone service for a PHP application