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Spring MVC 3.0.0 app won't bootstrap on Weblogic Server 11gR1 - ClassCastException

Create a file and store in Java web application folder

java spring-mvc

Choosing an appropriate url pattern for Sitemesh to exclude my servlet from its decorators?

Spring 3.0 security not working with annotation based controllers

In Spring-mvc the attribute names in view have to always match the property names in model?

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spring mvc default mapping handler

java spring-mvc

using multiple values HttpStatus in @ResponseStatus

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Spring 3 - Including javascript through a JSP view resolver?

How to pass an object to the view Spring MVC3

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How do I map static assets in my Spring app?

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Spring MVC (xml config nightmare?) vs spring roo?

spring-mvc spring-roo

Dynamically load files on classpath using ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource

layers in java web application [closed]

java jakarta-ee spring-mvc

How to convert object to query string with spring (or anything else)?

java http spring-mvc

Why Beans on spring-servlet.xml can't access beans in my applicationContext.xml

java spring-mvc javabeans

Pre-populating a Spring MVC form

Spring doesn't see @Transactional when global-method-security namespace is added

Caching HTTP reponses in a SpringMVC app

java spring caching spring-mvc

How to include SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME in authentication failure url?

Spring MVC 3 User Defined Exception handling with User defined View