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New posts in spring-kafka

Transaction Synchronization in spring boot with Database+ kafka example

How do I configure spring-kafka to ignore messages in the wrong format?

What is the difference between MANUAL and MANUAL_IMMEDIATE in spring-kafka AckMode

Kafka: what is the point of using "acknowledgment.nack" if I can simply "not acknowledgment.acknowledge"

How to pass multiple bootstrap servers for listener using spring-kafka

Spring Kafka Always rebalance after 5 min even i pause consumer

how to compress data in producers when using spring kafka

how to pause and resume @KafkaListener using spring-kafka

Unable to connect to Kafka run in container from Spring Boot app run outside container

Difference between @KafkaListener, @StreamListener and @ServiceActivator?

Spring Kafka Partitioning

What value to provide for the Kafka schema.registry.ssl.engine.factory.class

How to create unit test with kafka embedded in the spring cloud stream

Kafka - Deserializing the object in Consumer

Adding custom header using Spring Kafka

Failed to construct kafka producer with Springboot

Spring kafka error Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.kafka.transaction.KafkaAwareTransactionManager