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New posts in spring-kafka

Kafka Consumer: Stop processing messages when exception was raised

How to make a Spring Boot application quit on tomcat failure

How to set offset in kafkalistener

Avoiding Kafka Streams to start in tests using Spring Boot 1.5

Is it possible to ReKey a GlobalKTable?

Spring Kafka - Event sourcing - Example of how to query some entity state using Kafka + KafkaStreams API

Read data from KSQL tables

Spring kafka and Kafka Cluster

apache-kafka spring-kafka

spring kafka thorws InstanceAlreadyExistsException exception after setting concurrency > 1

Spring Kafka error handling - v1.1.x

AWS Kafka (MSK) - How to generate Keystore and truststore and use the same in my Spring Cloud Stream application?

EmbeddedKafka how to check received messages in unit test

Difference between group id, Client id and id in KafkaListener Spring Boot

Kafka Consumer with enable.auto.commit = false still committing the offsets


spring Kafka listening to regex

java spring spring-kafka

How to implement a microservice Event Driven architecture with Spring Cloud Stream Kafka and Database per service

How can I create many kafka topics during spring-boot application start up?

KafkaEmbedded throwing ClassNotFoundException for SecurityProtocol

java spring spring-kafka

Spring @KafkaListener and concurrency

Spring Boot 2.1 Micrometer Kafka consumer metric statistic COUNT is "NaN"