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New posts in spring-data-jpa

How do database connections get managed for Spring Data JPA repositories?

JPA, why named parameter in native query is not replaced?

Spring Data JPA ignore null parameter

Is it possible to implement a POJO in Spring Boot that has a field representing a composite primary key while not utilizing JPA or nested classes?

Unable to load application.properties file @DataJpaTest annotation

How to convert normal CrudRepository<T,ID> to ReactiveCrudRepository<T,ID>

spring data jpa findBy...... with multi column but the save search text

JpaRepository: No Transaction in progress

Numbers in kotlin is not serializable

How to use Constructor Mapping with Spring JPA Repositories

How to filter entites scanned by LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean?

JPA 2 - How to build entity that has Primary key that is also a foreign key using Spring Data JPA?

How to integrate full text search in Spring-data-jpa?

Spring - Hibernate improve transaction performance with FlushMode

JPA entity gets updated on Ubuntu but throws Optimistic Locking Exception on Windows

Possibly consider using a shorter maxLifetime value - hikari connection pool spring boot

How to limit result in @Query used in Spring Data Repository

Spring Data JPA delete native query throwing exception

unable to deploy spring-xd processor module using spring-data-jpa on xd-singlenode

How to initialize Specification of Spring Data JPA?