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New posts in spock

In Spock, how can I eliminate duplicated interactions from the "then" block?

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Running Android unit tests with Spock framework

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How to mock HttpServletRequest in Spock

Why are my unit tests not working?

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Multiple assignments in the where clause of a spock test?

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Runtime Exception Mocking groovy.sql in Spock

why are empty strings converted to null passing to the constructor of the domain object in Grails 2.4.0?

How to tell Spock which class to run in specific order

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Suppress warning “Access to field exceeds its access rights” in Groovy

I can't run a simple Grails functional test using Geb and spock

Does Spock have Test Event Listeners

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Is there a concept of test suites in Gradle/Spock land?

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Spock assert that list of objects have exact value in field

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Grails Spock testing Controller and service

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How to mock domain specific closures in Spock

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Spock: Reading Test Data from CSV File

Condition in expect block

groovy spock

Spock - returning fixed value not working as expected

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Write Spock test cases for Spring boot application [closed]

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spock unit test loops in then clause

testing loops spock clause