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Write Java8 Lambdas in Groovy 1.x

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How to mock a single method for a class in Spock?

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Spock + Drools Testing

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How to create Spock Spy with private property

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findAll not supported in this implementation of GORM

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Mocking slf4j with Spock

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Spock unit test is stuck when parallel stream is used

WebApplicationContext does not Autowire when injecting in Spock Specification

Can TestNG see my Spock (JUnit) test results?

Can Spock spy for real object?

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NullpointerException: cannot get property on null object

Issues with @SpringBootTest: Context not loading and Spock unable to @Autowire

Can I run a `@SpringBootTest` class multiple times with different configurations?

How to setup and teardown functional test data in Geb grails

Executing Specific Geb Tests according to environment

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Groovy/Spock BUG! when passing variable into closure

groovy spock

How to extract BDD meta-statements from Spock specification classes

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