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How to create animation of vehicle moving form A to B along a route?

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Comparing simple features {sf} and Spatial objects {sp}: speed and memory

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OSM, rgeos, osmar, area calculation, does not add up

Equivalent of `poly.counts` to count lat/long pairs falling inside of polygons with the sf package

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R: SpatialPointsDataFrame code no longer working. Error in !res[[1]] : invalid argument type

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R: How can I count how many points are in each cell of my grid?

r spatial sp

"Globe"-shaped map of Russia

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Improve speed/use of gDistance function by using parallel processing and/or plyr/dplyr?

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Custom placement of spplot legend in the map

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R measuring distance from a coastline

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Merge data frame with SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

r sp

How to find which polygon a point belong to via sf

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R Overlay points and polygons with a certain degree of tolerance

r spatial sp sf

Creating a regular polygon grid over a spatial extent, rotated by a given angle

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Changing the Projection of Shapefile

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How do I generate a Hexagonal grid in R

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Converting a "map" object to a "SpatialPolygon" object

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PROJ4 to PROJ6 upgrade and "Discarded datum" warnings

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How to efficiently calculate distance between pair of coordinates using data.table :=

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SpatialPolygons - Creating a set of polygons in R from coordinates

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