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Loadbalancer and Solrcloud

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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot call sendError() after the response has been committed

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SolrCloud vs Standalone Solr

Is it possible to upgrade from Solr 4.x directly to Solr 6.1?

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Solr Custom Similarity - Using a field from the indexed document

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Configure DataImportHandler in SolrCloud with ZooKeeper

SolrCloud load-balancing

Changing Schema.xml in SolrCloud setup

Is there a SolrJ query builder?

Writing unit tests for Solr plugin using JUnit4, including creating collections

SolrCloud becoming slow over time

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What is the interaction between Solr and Zookeeper?

SolrCloud ZooKeeper Configuration updates

changing port number for solr-4.3.1

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Best approach for specifying ZooKeeper hosts on Solr clients?

Solr Suggestion with multiple payloads

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Reloading SolrCloud configuration (stored on Zookeeper) - schema.xml