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How I find empty Solr document fields with lucene query

solr lucene

solr, sunspot, bad request, illegal character

Defining nested entities in Solr Data Import Handler


Is Tomcat middleware?

lucene vs solr scoring

comparison lucene solr scoring

SLES Apache Solr start.jar, Unable to access jarfile

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Solr query starts with


Exclude draft articles from Solr index with Sunspot

Solr Indexing My SQL Timestamp or Date Time field

Solr Setup - Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.solr.cloud.ZkCLI

Solr: transform a comma-delimited field during data import


Negative Boost in Solr

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Can not use ICUTokenizerFactory in Solr

Sunspot-Solr slowing down to a beast once my Application climbed to > 1000 objects [ Solr Logs Included ]

Solr MultiCore Search

java apache search solr

query for document that two fields are equal?

solr lucene

solr sunspot - searching belongs_to association

Importing multi-valued field into Solr from mySQL using Solr Data Import Handler