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New posts in sockets

How to debug a disappearing app

c# debugging sockets crash

TCP Socket Server Builds Up CLOSE_WAITs Occasionally Over Time Until Inoperable

What really is the SOCKET type?

c++ sockets

Is it a good thing for a custom rest protocol to be binary based instead of text based like Http?

rest binary sockets soa

How can I transfer a hash using client and server in Perl?

How to turn Java class into one of its subclasses (SocketAddress and InetSocketAddress)

How can I obtain the local TCP port and IP Address of my client program?

c unix sockets

Java: Multithreading & UDP Socket Programming

Socket ReceiveAll

c# sockets

What is the best way to receive data from a socket in Perl, when the data length is unknown?

perl sockets recv

Is Sockets effective for talking to Service?

c# sockets

set MTU in C programmatically

PHP to C# - Socket - File corrupts randomly

c# php sockets tcp

Will this code make sure I read all I want from a socket?

c# sockets

C or C++ library for encoding and decoding websocket frames

Send and receive int C++

c++ sockets int

Asynchronous Socket connection in Silverlight

How to re bind a udp socket in Linux

What's the connection timeout of a socket created with a connecting constructor?

java sockets ambiguity

How to let different processes use different network interfaces?