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Soap Client consuming Rest Web Services

web-services rest soap wsdl

@Order annotation has no effect on the XML serialization order

KSoap2 Android not valid SOAP

android soap

How do I create a Ruby SOAP client without using a WSDL?

ruby soap

SOAP requests in Ruby with X509 Certificates

ruby soap x509

JAXWS - help required to set WSDL request timeout

SOAP RPC/Encoded convert to RPC/Literal

xml soap rpc

SOAP 1.2 over SSL + HTTP basic authentication or WS-Security?

soap https ws-security

Handling binary data with SOAP

How can I (from a SalesOrderEntity) retrieve the shipping address?

c# magento soap

Writing a C++ SOAP (multithreaded) client application - without gSOAP

c++ linux soap https betfair

Adding elements in SOAP Header request for authentication

Axis2 ServiceClient options ignore timeout

java rest soap timeout axis2

Accessing ISI Web of Science through SOAP

python web-services soap suds

How to send out plain XML in SOAP response?

php soap encoding soapserver

Soap call gives 500 (internal server error) in c#

c# soap

Qualified element/attribute forms and unqualified forms with Spyne soap server

soap python-2.7 spyne

Simple soap call is failing (Nodejs, easysoap)

node.js soap soap-client

What is the difference between SOA and ROA

web-services rest soap

SOAP PHP fault parsing WSDL: failed to load external entity?

php xml soap wsdl wamp