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How to create a jabber/XMPP proxy/logging service?

java xml-rpc xmpp smack

Could not establish socket with any provided host

Why the openfire's user remains ONLINE even with no SESSION exists in sessions

issue in Registration using asmack library and open fire as server

android xmpp smack asmack

Connect to GTalk server (XMPP, Smack) using an authToken

jsp xmpp oauth-2.0 chat smack

(a)Smack's IQ.toXml() returns XML without custom child elements

SASL authorization failing while connecting to XMPP server

xmpp smack google-talk

Smack XMPP: Can't login to openfire server: "SASLErrorException: SASLError using DIGEST-MD5: not-authorized"

java xmpp smack

How to get DiscussionHistory for MultiUserChat room using aSmack?

android xmpp smack asmack

Could not connect to the XMPP server via smack: No response from server

java xmpp smack

How to set/get profile data with XMPP using Smack

java android xmpp smack

Smack "No Response From Server". Not sure why am i getting this error

android openfire smack

File transfer using smack in android apps.

android smack

Error while joining MUC room in XMPP(smack)

How can we access archive messages into android application from xmpp server

android xmpp smack

Android Push Notification from device to other devices

How to retrieve sender name or its JID in multi user chat message with Smack?

xmpp smack multiuserchat