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slick 3.0.0 with HikariCP driver not loaded - IllegalAccessException: AbstractHikariConfig can not access a member with modifiers "private"

Slick codegen & tables with > 22 columns

scala slick slick-codegen

Slick Join Left Option column

scala slick

Mapped projection with <> to a case class with companion object in Slick

scala slick

Why is NoClassDefFoundError thrown with "run" but works fine with "dist"?

How to structure database access layer with transactions

scala playframework slick

How to use a Non Supported Database in Slick 3.1

Cannot resolve symbols (foreach, list,...) using Slick-play

Implicit GetResult for nested classes in Slick

scala slick

How to integrate Play (web framework), Deadbolt (authorization) and Slick (database access)

How to create a caching layer on top of slick that could be applied globally?

scala slick

Play Slick: How to inject DbConfigProvider in tests

Scala type inference working with Slick Table

What's the difference between using DatabaseConfig and Database in Slick?

scala slick

Play Scala JSON body parser default value field

The "right" way to use write Slick 3.0 Scala queries in Play Framework

scala playframework slick

Query one row with max value in one column in Slick

scala slick slick-3.0

slick column not defined

scala slick