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New posts in slick-2.0

slick filter or where no longer support logical operations?

How to manually mapping String to postgresql text instead of just varchar(254)?

Does Slick support methods 'inSet' or 'in' for tuples?

scala slick slick-2.0

groupBy method throws an error in Slick

Table creation in play 2.4 with play-slick 1.0

Slick 2.0 Map a java.util.Date in a Table

scala slick-2.0

Slick error while compiling table definitions: could not find implicit value for parameter tm

scala slick-2.0

slick 2.0 define generic `find by field` method

scala slick slick-2.0

How to create projection class for complex case class in slick?

Slick nested outer joins with many-to-many tables

Sending writes to the mysql master and reads to slave in slick

Defining projection to map to nested case classes

scala slick-2.0

How do I correctly compare Options members in Slick?

Play Slick 2.1.0 This DBMS allows only a single AutoInc column to be returned from an INSERT

Slick 2.0 Generic CRUD operations

sbt plugin dynamically load user defined code?

Slick Repo methods all participating in one Service's Transaction

scala slick-2.0

Slick - Update full object or more than 22 columns

Deciphering one of the toughest scala method prototypes (slick)

scala slick-2.0

How to use DateTime in Slick2.0?

scala jodatime slick slick-2.0