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New posts in size-t

When should I use vector<int>::size_type instead of size_t?

c++ vector stl int size-t

size_t to unsigned int (from API function)

c++ size-t

Converting a size_t into an integer (c++)

c++ integer size-t

Is it safe to use negative integers with size_t?

c++ c++11 unsigned size-t

How to avoid problems with size_t and int types in 64bit C++ builds?

c++ 64-bit size-t

overflows in size_t additions

c integer-overflow size-t

Adding or assigning an integer literal to a size_t

c c89 size-t

size_t can not be found by g++-4.1 or others on Ubuntu 8.1

c++ linux header size-t

iterating an array backwards in For loop condition to stop at 0 when using unsigned integers causing infinite loop

c size-t

Why does fgets accept an int instead of a size_t?

c language-lawyer size-t

Performance of size_t in C++

c++ performance c++11 int size-t

Why is size_t better?

c implementation size-t

What to do with size_t vs. std::size_t?

c++ size-t

C size_t and ssize_t negative value

c size-t

What should happen to the negation of a size_t (i.e. `-sizeof(struct foo)`))?

c++ c sizeof unsigned size-t

Cast ssize_t or size_t

c++ casting size-t

The use of size_t in an array iterator

c++ c arrays size-t

How to define a custom cross-platform size_t type?

c++ c++11 c++03 size-t size-type

Is the %zu specifier required for printf?

c printf c89 size-t c-libraries

Signed vs. unsigned values for counting in a loop

c++ vector int size-t