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New posts in sinatra

Geo Location in Ruby/Sinatra?

ruby geolocation sinatra

Error "undefined local variable or method `logger'" when using `logger.info` in a Sinatra application

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What is the default session expire time in Sinatra?

sinatra rack

Where do I put code in Sinatra (ruby web framework) that I just want to execute once?

ruby sinatra

Could someone give me an example of node.js application

Is it possible to to rewrite the base URL in Sinatra?

ruby url sinatra rack base

Why is Sinatra's "show_exceptions.rb" file crashing when I raise a RuntimeError?

ruby sinatra rack

In Sinatra, best way to serve iPhone layout vs. normal layout?

where to store admin password in sinatra + heroku app?

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Deploy a simple test app with Sinatra + DataMapper + Postgres + Heroku returns: Installing do_sqlite3 (0.10.7) error

How can I use a local (or per view) variable in Sinatra with Haml partials?

sinatra haml scope

cannot load such file -- rack/handler/puma

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Disable Rack::CommonLogger without monkey patching

ruby sinatra rack puma

How do I exclude a path from requiring basic auth in Sinatra

What are the best practices to secure a Sinatra application?

Rack/Sinatra LoadError: cannot load such file

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Incompatible character encoding in simple Sinatra app

How do I delete an embedded document in mongomapper?

How do I html_escape text data in a sinatra app?

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very basic ruby/sinatra/heroku/debugging question: how to see output of puts and p?

ruby debugging heroku sinatra