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New posts in simplexmlrpcserver

How to fake a soap response in Python?

IP address of client in Python SimpleXMLRPCServer?

xmlrpc response datatype long possible?

Python Multithreading XMLRPC server (?)

I want to ignore certificate verification, where and how to do it with XMLRPC web service?

Running SimpleXMLRPCServer in separate thread and shutting down

how to redirect the logging output of xmlrpc server to some file

Non-valid Unicode/XML with Python SimpleXMLRPCServer?

Shutdown an SimpleXMLRPCServer server in python

How to see traceback on xmlrpc server, not client?

python: httplib.CannotSendRequest when nesting threaded SimpleXMLRPCServers

Python's xmlrpc extremely slow: one second per call

Using **kwargs with SimpleXMLRPCServer in python