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New posts in simpledateformat

JUnit4 test causes java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date

Format milliseconds to simpledate format

How to get a Date object from String

SimpleDateFormat inconsistent parsing error [closed]

java simpledateformat

"EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy 'at' HH:mm"

java simpledateformat

Java day of the week from string

Android DateFormat for AM/PM differs between devices

Issue with parsing Date string

Convert GMT DateTime String

How to get Hours from a date using java

Why does an invalid date parses successfully as a real date?

SimpleDateFormat toPattern behaves differently in java 9

JXDatePicker using SimpleDateFormat to format dd.MM.yy to dd.MM.yyyy with current century

Parsing different date formats in a string in Java

How to parse 'dd MMM yyyy'

java date simpledateformat

Why is java's SimpleDateFormat substracting 1 second from my UTC date when using SimpleTimeZone

java simpledateformat

Parsing simple times in hh:mmaa format

Java SimpleDateFormat Timezone offset with minute separated by colon

java simpledateformat

SimpleDateFormat producing wrong date time when parsing "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm"

Unable to parse DateTime-string with AM/PM marker

java simpledateformat