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New posts in silverlight

Enabling direct content creation in XAML on a dependancy object

How to increase MaxStringContentLength on the server side for binary Http binding

Silverlight; the good, the bad or the ugly?

.net silverlight

LINQ with ATOM feeds

c# linq silverlight atom-feed

Slider MouseLeftButtonDown Doesn't Work?

How to structure a 'flippable' app?

.net wpf silverlight xaml crud

Silverlight 4: Where is the HtmlBrush?

Silverlight Project - Slide-in and out Panel - How?

How to bind a Dependency Property to anything in the XAML

Is there a way to open the Bing Maps App on Windows Phone 7 to a specific location?

Change the background image of a Button when pressed using VisualStateManager

StringFormat in wp7?

Popup Take Up the Full Screen WP7

How can I pass addition local object variable to my event handler? [duplicate]

c# silverlight events handler

Why PasswordBox is Sealed in Silverlight?

Is exposing my DTO to the view considered incorrect?

c# wpf silverlight mvvm

partial method OnCreated not called when expected

Asynchronous Socket connection in Silverlight

Alternative IDE for Silverlight

silverlight ide

Enumerate ItemsControl.Items as UIElements