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Silex routing not found

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Class not found error only on production server

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How do you setup the controller in a Silex PHP Framework project?

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Pimple DI share deprecated. Now what?

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Twig addFilter using Silex?

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How do I define multiple routes for one request in Silex?

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REST web services: Symfony 2 vs silex [closed]

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Composer fails to resolve to installable set of packages on using "install" but not "update"

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User authentication with a db-backed UserProvider in Silex

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Silex passing app and request to controller classes


Difference between "use" and passing a parameter to controller function

Doctrine Migrations Namespace Error

How do I create a wildcard route (/something/*) in Silex?

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CORS preflight request returning HTTP 405

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Silex app->redirect does not match routes

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Silex form validation without translation

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Command line Doctrine ORM with Silex: You are missing a "cli-config.php" or "config/cli-config.php" file in your project

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Composer autoload not loading class in Silex

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Silex micro-framework and Twig: enable debug

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