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New posts in signalr.client

How do I use custom basic authentication with SignalR (.NET client)?

different connection in Browser multiple tabs

SignalR disconnect not being called on internet disconnection/re-connection

Communication between asp.net app and a serviceworker, via signalR?

SignalR .NET Client doesn't support WebSockets on Windows 7

Is SignalR Payload agnostic?

Does SignalR provide message integrity mechanisms which ensure that no messages are lost during client reconnect

SignalR client callback method getting called multiple times

jquery signalr client works- but in java it cannot be made to work

SignalR java cannot connect to server

java signalr signalr.client

SignalR /negotiate is making requests to /Account/Login - I have no Account/Login endpoint

signalr signalr.client

SignalR .NET Client - Unexpected character encountered while parsing value

Ignore SSL errors with signalR Core Client

SignalR function return value

SignalR .NET client disconnecting

SignalR Websocket Exception when closing client

SignalR + Angular: how to add Bearer token to Http Headers

Using SignalR client through a web proxy

signalr signalr.client

SignalR version compatability (StatusCode: 405 'Method Not Allowed')