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How do I add files to an archive using SharpZipLib with no compression?

c# sharpziplib

Basics of SharpZipLib. What am I missing?

Is it safe to call ICsharpCode.SharpZipLib in parallel on multiple threads

Which compression type should i choose in SharpZipLib?

Is there a library to unzip .Z files using VB.NET?

What's wrong with my application ---- Size was 0, but I expected 46806 !

c# sharpziplib icsharpcode

Decompressing .bz2 stream to file in C#

c# sharpziplib bzip2

Make a .tar.gz archive without folder structure using SharpZipLib

c# .net sharpziplib

SharpZipLib : Compressing a single file to a single compressed file

c# compression sharpziplib

lastwritetime is changing while extracting a zipfile in c#?

c# unzip sharpziplib

SharpZipLib Examine and select contents of a ZIP file

c# zip sharpziplib

C# with SharpZipLib - Compatibility of SharpZipLib with Winzip and XP?

c# sharpziplib

c# sharpziplib adding file to existing archive

SharpZipLib create an archive with an in-memory string and download as an attachment

c# asp.net sharpziplib

ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib validate zip file

How do you add a folder to a zip archive with ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib

How to UnZip downloaded Zip file in Xamarin forms

How do I implement the VirtualFileSystem required by SharpZipLib.Portable?

ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip not zipping files having special characters in their file names

c# .net sharpziplib