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How to publish a document stored in SQL using the original file name as a valid Url?

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Sharepoint Guidfield - how to display it in frontend and set its value in code?

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Can I use more than one master page on a sharepoint site?

Change permissions of a SharePoint list using JavaScript

Create field in SharePoint programmatically using CSOM (Not with XML)

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SharePoint REST show current user profile picture

How do I use calculated value date in Sharepoint lists field to find a date+30 days?


Sharepoint UserProfileManager without Manage User Profiles right

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How do I programatically turn off show pages in navigation for sharepoint

How do I remove items from the Site Actions menu in SharePoint?

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Edit only owned list items in Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0

SharePoint: Calculated Column Values Disappear When Editing List Item. Any ideas?

How to debug Sharepoint solution/feature through Visual studio?

Selecting rows with distinct column values using LINQ

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SharePoint Web part vs ASP.NET web part

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How to check the permissions of a user with a site collection?

Force sharepoint to ask for authentication

Versioning a SharePoint feature


Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace-- Sharepoint namespace not recognized

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How do I check if a Sharepoint Document Library has the Require Approval flag set, using the Sharepoint API?

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