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New posts in shared-ptr

Polymorphism and shared_ptr member

c++ polymorphism shared-ptr

What is the advantage of a unique_ptr over a shared_ptr

boost::python and set::erase -> weird behaviour

Implicit conversion of shared_ptr

c++ shared-ptr

Is it guaranteed that weak_ptr will expire when shared_ptr is reset to the same address that contains?

c++ c++11 shared-ptr weak-ptr

What happens to an expired weak_ptr in a map

c++ shared-ptr weak-ptr

How `weak_ptr` and `shared_ptr` accesses are atomic

How to reduce the implementation code of lots of wrapper classes?

Make_shared - own implementation

c++ shared-ptr

Move Constructor and = operator for Shared Pointer

"Connecting" SDL_Surface to shared_ptr

c++ sdl shared-ptr

Verify at compile time that objects are created as shared_ptr

Cast an iterator of a vector of shared_ptr type

c++ boost iterator shared-ptr

Cannot dynamic cast when using dynamic_pointer_cast

What is the need for enable_shared_from_this? [duplicate]

c++ c++11 boost shared-ptr

C++0x Error: overloading a function with std::shared_ptr to const argument is ambiguous

Create a non-owning shared_ptr?

std::atomic load method decreases the reference count when used with std::shared_ptr

c++ c++11 shared-ptr atomic

new and make_shared for shared pointers

To use shared_ptr, is it safe ?

c++ shared-ptr