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New posts in shared-libraries

Using .so files in Android Studio

In what order are shared libraries initialized and finalized?

How to load an existing custom lib which is having non AMD and AMD library using requireJS

GCC outputs an executable ELF file when I want a shared library

Executable shared libraries

c shared-libraries

How to get executable shared library list from C++?

How can I link libc.a into a shared library in arm-linux use arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc

accessing package-private fields in classes shared across Eclipse projects

Shared library for MonoDroid and MonoTouch

How to find out functions missing from a library, but which are present in the exposed header file released along with the library?

c shared-libraries

How can I have a global C/C++ variable that is shared between Python C/C++ extensions?

Eclipse "\Android Private Libraries" vs "\Referenced Libraries"

Linking a shared library with unresolved symbols on linux

Global variable defined with the same name in the so library

c linux shared-libraries

How to add compatibility with library structure without adding dependency on library?

Receive "undefined symbol" error when loading library with dlopen

shared-libraries dlopen

CMake warnings under OS X: MACOSX_RPATH is not specified for the following targets

Python ImportError - undefined symbol - for custom C++ module

why do we need the shared library during compile time

TFS 2010 Branch Across Team Projects - Best Practices